Jewish Timeline

Jewish Timeline


6,000 years of Jewish history & legacy at a glance

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SKU: 8010 Category:
Publisher: Magnes (Academon)
Product ID: 3299


Jewish Timeline
Graphic and Interactive one-page summary of Jewish history and heritage. Every entry on the timeline is a hot-spot that links to further reading. Combines many fields on a single timeline such as demography, literature, Jewish and World events, traditions, historical figures and more.

High resolution, free, downloadable and printable posters of the Jewish History Timeline
Approved and recommended by the Israeli Ministry of Education.

Cronolog?a de la Historia y Patrimonio Jud?o
Infograf?a de: poblaci?n jud?a mundial, acontecimientos hist?ricos del pueblo Jud?o, el control sobre la Tierra de Israel, era rab?nica, eventos de la historia del mundo, personajes y literatura jud?a.
Aprobado por el ministerio de educaci?n Israel?
Chronologie de l’histoire juive: démographie, histoire, contr?le sur la terre d’Isra?l, ere rabbinique, histoire du monde, personnages et littérature juive. 

Approuvé par le Minist?re israélien de l’éducation
Jewish timeline infographic. Studying Jewish history and heritage has never been easier. Get the App for Android now for FREE! Interactive timeline from Genesis to our days.

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